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Pairing: Peter Jackson / Richard Taylor - LOTR RPS
Rating: PG
Author: MSilverstar
Date: April 22, 2003
Feedback: yes please! also constructive criticism of any kind.
Disclaimer: not true, I made it up
Archive: yes, go ahead, please let me know
Notes: Richard Taylor is the head of the Weta workshop which did all the props and sets for the Lord of the Rings movies. Richard and Peter are long-time colleagues and partners in the New Zealand film community.
Notes 2: written for the Lotrips100 sins challenge, for "gluttony"
Dedication: For Lobelia, of course


There's a bubble nestling in the little hollow at the base of his neck while he's creating bubble fantasias for the children. You watch as the bubble gets thinner until it finally pops.

Your mouth waters for the combination of sweat and sex and plastic and machine oil that all taste of Richard to you. The taste of shared ambition, from before you started the machine that may kill you yet.

Fran thinks you stopped years ago. But when filming gets overwhelming, you and he sometimes run away and fuck. It might be called gluttony, but it keeps you sane.

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