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Left Hand

Pairing: Sam Gamgee - LOTR FPS
Rating: Genfic, G
Author: MSilverstar
Date: September 1, 2003
Feedback: yes please! also constructive criticism of any kind.
Disclaimer: not true, I made it up
Archive: yes, go ahead, please let me know
Notes: This is for Cara, who's Making of Samwise series is heartbreakingly good. Even if we disagree very slightly on the class issue.

Left Hand

The way he figures it, the left hand is just as important as the right one.

The right hand is used for all the exciting jobs, for writing, and reaching, and even wielding a sword. The left hand only helps. No one kisses the left hand, or pledges fealty with it.

You do need the left one for some things, even if it's second best. You need it to tie a bow, play the flute, dig deep, or build anything that will last. A gardener knows that.

But he wonders if the left hand sometimes wishes it was the right.

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