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Revenge (Drabble)

Pairing: Philippa Boyens / David Wenham - LOTR RPS (RPHet)
Rating: PG-13
Date: March 23, 2003
Author: MSilverstar
Feedback: yes please! also constructive criticism of any kind.
Disclaimer: not true, I made it up
Archive: yes, go ahead, please let me know
Notes: screenwriter's revenge explains one annoying change from book to movie


She knew it would end, but not like this.

One week of fun sex and rides on the motorcycle, and one memorable session of fun sex on the motorcycle.

Three weeks of increasingly abusive behavior, insulting her, coming over late and drunk. He used her for sex, left her unsatisfied, walked away laughing.

Thank God they'd finished filming the wedding scenes, they were beautiful. She had loved the character, and he'd destroyed that. They still had his encounter with Frodo and Sam to film.

She picked up the phone, speaking persuasively: "Peter, I have an idea to add dramatic tension..."

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