Coffee (drabble)
Pairing: Billy Boyd / Viggo Mortensen - LOTR RPS
Rating: G
Author: MSilverstar
Date: November 17, 2003
Feedback: yes please! also constructive criticism of any kind.
Disclaimer: not true, I made it up
Archive: yes, go ahead, please let me know
Notes: Early in the Billy-Viggoverse
This story is LOTR RPS -- it uses the names of real people involved in making the Lord of the Rings movies.
This story is not true. I made it up.
"Viggo's like a ghost, where did he get to?" Philippa asked, stomping around the corner.
"Coffee," explained Billy. Viggo looked over from the urn and smiled.
On Monday in Feet, Dom wondered what a Ranger did over the weekend.
Viggo walked in with a "Catch and Release" badge on his shirt.
They'd all gotten bored waiting.
But it was time, so Billy slipped off and found Viggo staring into the woods.
It wasn't that he listened on purpose.
He just had a little secret agent in his mind, always briskly alert.
After a while, everyone took it for granted.
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