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Burns Night (Haggis)

Pairing: Billy Boyd / Viggo Mortensen - LOTR RPS
Rating: PG
Author: MSilverstar
Date: September 13, 2003
Feedback: yes please! also constructive criticism of any kind.
Disclaimer: not true, I made it up
Archive: yes, go ahead, please let me know
Notes: Seems to be in the same Billy-Viggoverse as Jalapeño, written for the LiveJournal Contra Le Montre food challenge. Triggered by Airgiodslv, thank you darling.
Notes 2: Burns Night is January 25, the birthday of Robert Burns, most famous Scots poet. It's celebrated with a dinner, singing, and the traditional haggis. Haggis is a kind of mild Scottish sausage, made of meat trimmings and organ meats, and encased in sheep's stomach. New Zealand is in the Southern Hemisphere, so it's the middle of summer there.

Burns Night (Haggis)

You always get swamped by the wave you don't see coming.

In the beautiful New Zealand summer, it's bampot to long for the rain on stone streets, the pub, the warm fug of sweat and beer, the mates, the music.

So it's a shock when an arm wraps around your chest, and a throaty voice whispers, "Happy Burns Night," in an accent that's just wrong.

And then you can't stop laughing at the package with the stupid tartan bow. You feel beloved, but it's fucking funny.

It finally comes out in a wheeze that hurts your chest, "I hate haggis."

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