WARNING: this story may have explicit depictions of sex between men and women, men and men, and women and women.
If you are offended by erotica, explicit sex, or gay porn, please go elsewhere.It is LOTR RPS -- it uses the names of real people involved in making the Lord of the Rings movies.
This story is not true. I made it up.Silence (Drabble)
Pairing: Viggo Mortensen / Billy Boyd - LOTR RPS
Rating: PG-13
Author: MSilverstar
Date: December 26, 2005
Feedback: yes please! also constructive criticism of any kind.
Disclaimer: not true, I made it up
Archive: yes, go ahead, but let me know
Notes: In my Billy-Viggoverse Thanks to _nienor_niniel_ for a lovely beta.
Billy is silent during sex. His mouth pinches shut.
Viggo's never known anyone who doesn't make some sound while fucking, at least a sigh or a groan. He's damn noisy, himself,
At first, it's a challenge. But no matter what Viggo does, Billy gets quieter as he gets closer to coming.
Eventually Billy says something about his Gran, his devout, old-fashioned, sharp-eared Gran. The light dawns.
Viggo makes silent love to him that day, listening to the brush of skin on skin, and the hammering of his own heart, while the sun streams in to gild their bodies.
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