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MSilverstar's LOTRiPS Billy/Viggo-verse

A series of drabbles and stories about a (fictional) relationship between Billy Boyd and Viggo Mortensen.

 (in order mainly by date written)
Jalapeño drabble (Billy/Viggo , PG)
Burns Night (Haggis) drabble (Billy/Viggo , PG)
Maté drabble (Billy/Viggo , PG-13)
Coffee drabble  (Billy, Viggo , G)
Porridge drabble (Billy, Viggo , G)
Good as Gold ficlet (Viggo /Marton Csokas, Billy, NC-17)
Silence drabble (Viggo / Billy, R)
Cockaleekie Soup drabble (Viggo / Billy, G)

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